"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
December 1, 2011 04:00PM to 06:00PM
Assembly Area: 31st, 32nd Sts - b/t Broadway & 5th. Enter Assembly area from 5 Ave.
March Route – Broadway from 32nd St to Union Sq. Stepping off at 4pm.
Dispersal at Union Sq.
(Approx. march time from 4pm to 6pm)
This march is our call to action.
NO rally. NO speeches. It’s all been said before.
Your participation in this march will be our statement.
212-604-9552 http://www.nycclc.org
Pepper-Spray Creator Decries Use of Chemical Agent on Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters
UPDATE 12/2/11
Pepper Spray Investigation Lead By Group That Works For Wall Street Firms
We speak with Kamran Loghman, the expert who developed weapons-grade pepper-spray, who says he was shocked at how police have used the chemical agent on non-violent Occupy Wall Street protesters nationwide — including students at University of California, Davis, female protesters in New York City, and an 84-year old activist in Seattle. “I saw it and the first thing that came to my mind wasn’t police or students, it was my own children sitting down having an opinion and they’re being shot and forced by chemical agents,” says Loghman, who in the 1980s helped the FBI develop weapons-grade pepper -spray, and collaborated with police departments to develop guidelines for its use. “The use was just absolutely out of the ordinary and it was not in accordance with any training or policy of any department that I know of. I personally certified 4,000 police officers in the early ‘80s and ‘90s and I have never seen this before. That’s why I was shocked... I feel is my civic duty to explain to the public that this is not what pepper spray was developed for.”
Monday, November 28, 2011
WikiLeaks, Julian Assange Win Major Australian Prize for “Outstanding Contribution to Journalism”
Over the weekend, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accepted the award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism at the 2011 Walkley Award in Australia, an honor akin to the Pulitzer Prize in the United States. We play an excerpt from Assange’s acceptance speech and get reaction from constitutional law attorney and Salon.com blogger Glenn Greenwald. Today also marks the one-year anniversary of "Cable Gate," when WikiLeaks began publishing a trove of more than 250,000 leaked U.S. State Department cables. In related news, the U.S. Army recently scheduled a Dec. 16 pretrial hearing for Army Private Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of providing the cables to WikiLeaks. Manning “faces life in prison, possibly the death penalty, for what was an act of conscience,” says Greenwald. [Includes rush transcript]
Citigroup Settlement Tossed: Judge Tells SEC To Get It Together
In a potentially precedent setting ruling on Monday, a federal judge in New York tossed out a settlement between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Citigroup, effectively telling the SEC -- which is responsible for protecting investors and maintaining fair, orderly markets -- that it isn't not going far enough in holding financial institutions accountable for their
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke - "excessive risk taking" 10/4/11
"I think they're really touching a nerve," Sen. Bernie Sanders said Tuesday of protests on Wall Street that have inspired demonstrations from Burlington, Vt., to Los Angeles. "The nerve is that the average American understands that as a result of the greed and the recklessness and the illegal behavior on Wall Street, these guys plunged us into the horrendous recession that we're in right now." Even Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke allowed that there was "excessive risk taking" by Wall Street when Sanders questioned him on Tuesday about the root causes of the recession and the concerns voiced by protesters. "They blame, with some justification, the financial sector with getting us into this mess," Bernanke told another member of the Joint Economic Committee. "I can't blame them," he added.
noun, plural -cies.
the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.
a class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, byvirtue of its wealth.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
National Lawyers Guild Files FOIA Requesting Evidence of Federal Role in OWS Crackdown
Liberty Plaza NYC
With Congress no longer performing its sworn role of defending the US Constitution, the National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Committee and the Partnership for Civil Justice today filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) asking the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the National Parks Service to release "all their information on the planning of the coordinated law enforcement crackdown on Occupy protest encampments in multiple cities over the course of recent days and weeks."With Congress no longer performing its sworn role of defending the US Constitution, the National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Committee and the Partnership for Civil Justice today filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) asking the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the National Parks Service to release "all their information on the planning of the coordinated law enforcement crackdown on Occupy protest encampments in multiple cities over the course of recent days and weeks."With Congress no longer performing its sworn role of defending the US Constitution, the National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Committee and the Partnership for Civil Justice today filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) asking the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the National Parks Service to release "all their information on the planning of the coordinated law enforcement crackdown on Occupy protest encampments in multiple cities over the course of recent days and weeks."
"Having a super committee for Congress is like hiring a plumber for your house and he hires another plumber. Then when you ask him if the job is done, he doesn't know until he asks the guy he hired. It's just another way of passing the buck." Fran Lebowitz
Friday, November 25, 2011
Democracy Now, The Nation, The New School, #OCCUPYEVERYWHERE
Occupy Everywhere: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein on Next Steps for the Movement Against Corporate Power
Economists Statement in Support of OWS
WE are are economists who oppose ideological cleansing in the economics profession. Equally we oppose political cleansing in the vital debate over the causes and consequences of our current economic crisis.
We support the efforts of the Occupy Wall Street movement across the country and across the globe to liberate the economy from the short-term greed of the rich and powerful “one percent”.
We oppose cynical and perverse attempts to misuse our police officers and public servants to expel advocates of the public good from our public spaces.
We extend our support to the vision of building an economy that works for the people, for the planet, and for the future, and we declare our solidarity with the Occupiers who are exercising our democratic right to demand economic and social justice.
If you’re an economist and would like to add your name to this statement, please send us an email by clicking here (info@econ4.org).
Gerald Epstein / University of Massachusetts Amherst, James K. Boyce / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Taro Abe / Nagoya Gakuin University, Bengi Akbulut / University of Manchester, Randy Albelda / University of Massachusetts Boston, Gar Alperovitz / University of Maryland, Nurul Aman / University of Massachusetts Boston, Miguel Arce / Universidad del Valle, Michael Ash / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Enid Arvidson / University of Texas at Arlington, Dennis Badeen / York University, Lee Badgett / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dean Baker / Center for Economic and Policy Research, Samuel L. Baker / Purdue University, Scott Baker / Public Banking Institute, Erdogan Bakir / Bucknell University, Benjamin Balak / Rollins College, Radhika Balakrishnan / Rutgers University, Fabian Balardini / Borough of Manhattan Community College, Nesecan Balkan / Hamilton College, Ahmet Baytas / Montclair State University, Nina Banks / Bucknell University, Deepankar Basu / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Michael Beggs / University of Sydney, JosĂ© Bellver/ Complutense University of Madrid, Ravi Bhandari / St. Mary’s College, Peter C. Bloch / University of Wisconsin-Madison, Roger Evan Bove / West Chester University, Elissa Braunstein / Colorado State University, Ted Burczak /Denison University, Isabela Prado Callegari – SĂ£o Paulo School of Economics, Al Campbell / University of Utah, Martha Campbell / Potsdam College (SUNY), Emanuele Campiglio / New Economics Foundation, Jessica Carrick-Hagenbarth / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Scott Carter / University of Tulsa, Hugo E. A. da Gama Cerqueira / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Paresh Chattopadhyay / University of Quebec, Robert Chernomas / University of Manitoba, Jens Christiansen / Mount Holyoke College, Alan B. Cibils / Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Jennifer Cohen / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Steve Cohn / Knox College, Paul Cooney / Universidade Federal do ParĂ¡, Lilia Costabile / University of Naples, J. Kevin Crocker / University of Massachusetts Amherst, James Crotty / University of Massachusetts Amherst, James M. Cypher / Universidad AutĂ³noma de Zacatecas, Omar S. Dahi / Hampshire College, Anita Dancs / Western New England University, Adel Daoud / University of Gothenburg, Erik Dean / University of Missouri Kansas City, Carmen Diana Deere / University of Florida, Francois Delorme / Association des Economistes QuĂ©bĂ©cois, Joao Paulo de Souza / UMASS-Amherst, George DeMartino / University of Denver, Serkan Demirkilic / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Maarten de Kadt, Hans Despain / Nichols College, Carlo D’Ippoliti / Sapienza University of Rome, Jonathan Diskin / Earlham College, Geert Dhondt / City University of New York, David Donald / Glasgow Caledonian University, Peter Dorman / Evergreen State College, Mathieu Dufour / City University of New York, Lynn Duggan / Indiana University Bloomington, Anil Duman / Central European University, Gary Dymski / University of California Riverside, Marie Christine Duggan / Keene State College, Nina Eichacker / University of Massachusetts Amherst, David Ellerman / University of California at Riverside, Benan Eres / Ankara University, Bilge Erten / United Nations, DESA, Paula Esteves / Federal University of Minas Gerais, Ramon Garcia Fernandez / Universidade Federal do ABC, Kade Finnoff / University of Massachusetts Boston, Nancy Folbre / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Gerald Friedman / University of Massachusetts Amherst, James K. Galbraith / University of Texas Austin, Robert F. Garnett / Texas Christian University, Heidi Garrett-Peltier / University of Massachusetts Amherst, David George / La Salle University, Armagan Gezici / Keene State College, Don Goldstein / Allegheny College, Jonathan P. Goldstein / Bowdoin College, Mitch Green / University of Missouri Kansas City, Robin Hahnel / American University, Jay P. Hamilton / City University of New York, Amy Hart / University of Sydney, Martin Hart-Landsberg / Lewis and Clark College, James Heintz / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Doug Henwood / Left Business Observer, Arturo Hermann / ISTAT, Marianne Hill / Mississippi Center for Policy Research, Michael G. Hillard / University of Southern Maine, Wolfgang Hoeschele / Truman State University, Joan Hoffman / City University of New York, Sue Holmberg / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Kiaran Honderich / Williams College, Jong Haak Hong / Kyungwon University, Barbara Hopkins / Wright State University, Julio Huato / St. Francis College, Alan Hutton / Glasgow Caledonian University, Ruth Indeck / Economy Connection, Ryan Isakson / University of Toronto, Frederic B. Jennings Jr. / Center for Ecological Economics and Ethical Education, Ipswich, MA, Tae-Hee Jo / Buffalo State College, Calanit Kamala / UC Berkeley, Emily Kawano / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Seçil Aysed Kaya / Ankara University, Mehmet Rauf Kesici / Kocaeli University, Marlene Kim / University of Massachusetts Boston, Yun Kyu Kim / Trinity College, Mary C. King / Portland State University, Robert Kirsch / Virginia Tech, Mark Klinedinst / University of Southern Mississippi, Katharine Kontak / Bowling Green State University, Gonca Konyali / Dokuz Eylul University, David Kotz / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Philip Kozel / Rollins College, David Kristjanson-Gural / Bucknell University, David Laibman / City University of New York, Eric Larsen / Public Policy Institute of California, Mehrene Larudee / Al-Quds Bard Honors College, Michael A. Lebowitz / Simon Fraser University, Chai-On Lee / Chonnam National University, Frederic Lee / University of Missouri Kansas City, Fernando Leiva / University at Albany (SUNY), Gerald Levy / LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), Antonio Lopes / Second University of Naples, Fiona Maclachlan / Manhattan College, Carlos Marentes / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Stephen A Marglin / Harvard University, Wesley Marshall / UAM-Iztapalapa, Thomas Masterson / Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Julie Matthaei / Wellesley College, Matthew May / University of Missouri Kansas City, Elaine McCrate / University of Vermont, Andrew Mearman / University of the West of England, Bristol, Michael Meeropol / Western New England University, Ralph Meima / Marlboro College Graduate School, Peter B. Meyer / University of Louisville, Gary Mongiovi / St. John’s University, Fred Moseley / Mount Holyoke College, Albert Mosley / Smith College, Jamee K. Moudud / Sarah Lawrence College, Catherine P. Mulder / City University of New York, Marta Murray-Close / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Ellen Mutari / The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Sirisha Naidu / Wright State University, Kamran Nayeri / University of California Berkeley, Jessica Gordon Nembhard / City University of New York, Julie A. Nelson / University of Massachusetts Boston, Eric Nilsson / California State University San Bernardino, Richard B. Norgaard / University of California Berkeley, Erik Olsen / University of Missouri Kansas City, Hiroshi Onishi / Kyoto University, Cem Oyvat / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Aaron Pacitti / Siena College, Thomas Palley / New America Foundation, Susan Parks / University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Eva Paus / Mount Holyoke College, Samuel R Pavel / Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Karl Petrick / Western New England University, Paddy Quick / St. Francis College, Peter Radford, Arslan Razmi / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Jack Reardon / Hamline University, Sanjay G. Reddy / The New School for Social Research, Robert Reinauer / Rollins College, Stephen Resnick / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Meenakshi Rishi / Seattle University, Igor Lopes Rocha / University of Cambridge, Charles P. Rock / Rollins College, Leopoldo Rodriguez / Portland State University, Sergio Rossi / University of Fribourg, HĂ©ctor SĂ¡ez / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Daniel E. Saros / Valparaiso University, Harwood D. Schaffer / University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Helen Scharber / Hampshire College, Ted P. Schmidt / Buffalo State College, Alyssa Schneebaum / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Juliet Schor / Boston College, Elliott Sclar / Columbia University, Ian J. Seda-Irizarry / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Kristen Sheeran / Economics for Equity and the Environment, Barry Shelley / Brandeis University, Ceren Soylu / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Peter Spiegler / University of Massachusetts Boston, Liz Stanton / Tufts University, Martha A. Starr / American University, Mark Stelzner / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Tamara Stenn / Keene State College, John Stifler / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Engelbert Stockhammer / Kingston University, Ian C. Strachan / Nichols College, Sarah Surak / Virginia Tech, Janet M. Tanski / University of Missouri, Linwood Tauheed / University of Missouri Kansas City, Kenna Taylor / Rollins College, Pavlina R. Tcherneva / Franklin and Marshall College, Hasan TekgĂ¼Ă§ / Mardin Artuklu University, Jim Tober / Marlboro College, Zdravka Todorova / Wright State University, Junji Tokunaga / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Mariano Torras / Adelphi University, Mayo Toruño / California State University San Bernardino, Andrew Trigg / Open University, A. Dale Tussing / Syracuse University, Eric Tymoigne / Lewis and Clark College, Hendrik Van den Berg / University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Roberto Veneziani / Queen Mary University of London, Valerie Voorheis / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Mwangi wa GÄ©thÄ©nji / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Thomas E. Weisskopf / University of Michigan, Julian Wells / Kingston University, Anastasia C. Wilson / University of Massachusetts Amherst, Marty Wolfson / University of Notre Dame, L. Randall Wray / University of Missouri Kansas City, Michael D. Yates / University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Ajit Zacharias / Bard College, Jeffrey Zink / Morningside College, Klara Zwickl / University of Massachusetts Amherst
Crackdown on Occupy
The mainstream media was declaring continually "OWS has no message". Frustrated, I simply asked them. I began soliciting online "What is it you want?" answers from Occupy. In the first 15 minutes, I received 100 answers. These were truly eye-opening.
The No 1 agenda item: get the money out of politics. Most often cited was legislation to blunt the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which lets boundless sums enter the campaign process. No 2: reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore the Glass-Steagall Act – the Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. This law would correct the conditions for the recent crisis, as investment banks could not take risks for profit that create kale derivatives out of thin air, and wipe out the commercial and savings banks.
No 3 was the most clarifying: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors.
When I saw this list – and especially the last agenda item – the scales fell from my eyes. Of course, these unarmed people would be having the shit kicked out of them.
Creator of Pepper Spray is "Shocked"
Occupy Student Debt Campaign
Creator of Pepper Spray is "Shocked"
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Foreclosures on Active-Duty Troops? No, Not Really!!!!
The U.S. Treasury Department is investigating whether Bank of America, Wells Fargo and eight other major banks may have illegally foreclosed on about 4,500 active-duty servicemen and women.
The U.S. Treasury Department is investigating whether Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Aurora Bank, Citibank, EverBank, HSBC, MetLife Bank, OneWest, Sovereign and U.S. BankAurora Bank, Citibank, EverBank, HSBC, MetLife Bank, OneWest, Sovereign and U.S. Bank.Aurora Bank, Citibank, Everbank, HSBC, MetLife, OneWest, Sovereign and U.S. Bank may have illegally foreclosed on about 4,500 active-duty service men and women.
Dec. 1st, 2011
The U.S. Treasury Department is investigating whether Bank of America, Wells Fargo and eight other major banks may have illegally foreclosed on about 4,500 active-duty servicemen and women.
Occupy Homes:
New Coalition Links Homeowners, Activists in Direct Action to Halt Foreclosures
Retired Police Captain Ray Lewis "Suffering for Justice"
Captain Ray Lewis, retired Philadelphia PA Police Captain arrested at OWS last week joins Thom Hartmann. Did Seattle police kill an unborn child during a raid on the 99% Movement? A 19-year-old woman claims a swift kick to her stomach by a police officer led to a miscarriage. More on this tragic story - and why the 99% movement is bringout the dark side of the police.
The Cops are Making more $ w OWS Overtime
Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M
Go spend it on Main Street
Student Occupiers: It's the Debt
Just check out these stats: Unemployment among college grads is twice what it was in 2007. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the unemployment rate for 16-24-year-olds is twice the national average; grads under 25 are twice as likely to lack a job than their older peers. The New York Times reports that just half of students who graduated in 2010 had a job in the spring of 2011, and even those who did get jobs were often way overqualified:
Bloomberg's No-First-Amendment Zone - A Protester Loses her job for speaking her mind.
"Bloomberg is in Bermuda, he goes there every weekend. He is a millionaire he goes where he wants."
An actress who played a Bloomberg representative in a satirical performance a block away from the mayor's E. 79th St. residence this past Sunday was fired from her job as an independent contractor at a market research consulting firm.
"They said my performance had put the company in an uncomfortable position," said Mary Notari, who learned of her firing from a phone call Monday afternoon. "The mayor has said ÔNo right is absoluteÕÑincluding, apparently, the right to poke fun at him for using violent force against his own people and for bending the law to do so.Ó
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Police Occupy Zuccotti = Bloomberg has done OWS a favor
Zuccotti Park,
the space had been scrubbed down
and repopulated with police and private-security types,
up to 150 of them.
Instead of simply condemning the eviction, many pundits and columnists praised it or highlighted what they considered its bright side. The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein wrote that Bloomberg had done Occupy Wall Street a favor. After all, he argued, something dangerous or deadly was bound to happen at OWS sooner or later, especially with winter soon to arrive. Zuccotti Park, Klein added, “was cleared… in a way that will temporarily reinvigorate the protesters and give Occupy Wall Street the best possible chance to become whatever it will become next.”
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