Tuesday, October 18, 2011


With no leader there is no one to pressure or pay off.
They have no defense against such a decentralized organization.
The more public we become, the easier it will be for the masses to see
what we truly stand for, rather than the image portrayed by the media.
Frank Grove


Finance has an account with Amalgamated Bank that money is being collected into, and sponsored for a tax-free exempt status at that allows it to collect funds electronically.  The Finance group works fairly transparently and at the behest of the General Assembly, and finances are distributed to Working Groups via introduction of a financing request to the GA to vote on.  Presently the only other way to get money out of Finance is to purchase something at the behest of a Working Group and present a receipt to them; which group you are with, what you bought, etc. is taken down before the money is paid out from the collected funds.  Whether there is a difference between Occupy Wall Street and the General Assembly is a distinction without a difference at this point, I think, as far as holding monies is concerned, and as far as I understand people are working very hard to be excellent in this regards, as the Finance group is carefully documenting all financial input and output according to something called Generally Accepted Accounting Principals or GAAP, which is the proper way to do it.

If you have a need that can be accomodated by budgeted funds, you simply have to get that request on-stack at the GA and have it pass.
-- Sean McKeown 

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